In full compliance with the provisions of Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003 on personal data protection (Privacy Code), Exekon di Menato Giuseppe, from here “Exekon”, in this section informs on its standing on the matter.
Exekon is aware of the importance of the privacy of customers and of whoever visit the company website. Exekon policy has always been to safeguard it and grant maximum level confidentiality to the information the company comes across. For example: Exekon abstains from making known and selling clients’ personal data or confidential information to third parties that are not involved in the respective deals, except for when the law provides for it or it will be indispensable to deliver its Services.
Exekon collects and registers all attained data, in order to ensure maximum service efficiency. This information are used to grant and/or improve the Services offered by the Company and to pursue its lawful economic interests (including market analysis).
For the collection and use of the attained information, the Company may enter into contracts with Collaborators supporting and assisting in the data elaboration process. Such Collaborators are bound to maximum confidentiality and to use such information to the only aim of favour the delivery of Services.
Some of the attained information may be constituted of personal information or elements referring to an identifiable subject, such as names, residence addresses, e-mail addresses, phone numbers. Exekon may not sell to third parties information that may be used to individuate a single User or a group of Users. The Company may supply personal data only when the law or regulations prescribe for it.
Besides above described data-management, Exekon collects phone numbers and e-mail addresses that may be useful to contact the Customer in order to solve eventual problems or to deliver information.
Exekon considers its data something precious to be safeguarded and defended from all possible losses or access from unauthorized subjects. To do that, the Company uses data-protection techniques aimed at safeguarding them from attacks from people without authorization, both external and internal to the Company. The access to such information is allowed only to those customers that actually need to know them to pursue the lawful goals of the Company.
Controlling, editing and delating data is an option available upon direct request of the subject (e-mail communication is also acceptable). It should be noted that, despite being Exekon attentive in deleting information on a client, when requested, some residual data may remain stored in backup systems or deleting registry.
Exekon allows visioning, downloading and printing the content of the this website, including the graphic layout of such, exclusively for the aim of using the website as internal company resource or of personal use. It is precluded to monetize on it, in favour of Exekon, as it is prescribed by the current intellectual property protection provisions on contents such as images, illustrations, graphic, photographies, videos, texts, icons, drawings and writings.
"Exekon" name and logo are protected by copyrights. Editing any material in the website is prohibited, as well as copying it, reproducing it, publishing it, distributing it and any other possible commercial use of it. Furthermore, the use of any material on other websites or computer networks is forbidden. The violation of any of the here-stated regulations will cause an immediate termination of the authorization of using the website and all the materials downloaded or printed should be destroyed. All intellectual property rights not covered by this regulations are to be reserved to Exekon and to its authorizing entities.
2. Safeguarding the databases
The structure of the website developed by Exekon contains a system of databases, which, for the choice or the order of the materials are to be regared an intellectual property creation, theefore protected under protected under the Legislative Decree 169/99.
3 Rules for the usage
3.1 User Communication
Except for the personal information and data, the communication of which is regulated by the privacy regulations, any material, information or data transmitted or stored on the website is to be considered as not confidential and not subject to usage limitation rights. Therefore, Exekon and its employees will be free to use such materials, information and data for any aim. It is forbidden to transmit or store on the website illegal, intimidating, defamatory, obscene, pornographic materials or violating any applicable law.
Some of the collected information may include personal data or data referring to an identifiable subject. Personal data may comprise names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers. Exekon doesn’t send to third parties information that may be used to identify a single customer. Moreover, the firm may supply personal data to State entities, whenever provided by law.
Beside using data as descripted above, Exekon collects the phone numbers and email addresses that may be useful for contacting the customer when necessary.
3.2 Cookies and log-file
In compliance with art. 122, Legislative Decree 196/2003, visitors are informed that Exekon’s website uses cookies, that allow to keep track of certain data and personalize the online service. The used cookies are not the persistent ones, but only the “one-session”-cookies, i.e. temporary that automatically disappear with the closing of the browser. They are used for the optimization of the website, hence to improve the navigation of it. It is possible to set the browser as to refuse cookies or to receive an alert whenever a cookie is send to one’s computer. Like many other online companies, Exekon collects technical information from the user’s computer whenever he visits a web-page of the website. This information comprise the type of browser used, the origin, the original provider, the address of the last webpage visited and other technical information, used for pure statistical aims. The IP (Internet Protocol) address of the single user will not be registered.
3.3 Links
The creation of links to the website is permitted only in compliance with the following conditions. The link to the website is allowed with a previous time-by-time authorisation from Exekon, but not the copy of the content for commercial aim. It is not possible to create browser environments or framing on the website’s content. The linking, despite different authorisation from Exekon, shouldn’t imply, directly or indirectly, the existence of any authorization from Exekon in favour of third parties’ products and services. The linking should be always to the homepage of Exekon’s website.
3.4 Links to other websites
Any link to third parties’ websites present on this website are provided uniquely for users’ convenience. The use of links implies leaving the website. Therefore, Exekon will not take on any responsibility for such websites, nor for any information, software, product or material contained in such, nor for any result of their usage. Whenever the user decides to enter any of the third parties’ websites linked to Exekon’s website, it may be implied that he is acting under his personal responsibility and risk.
3.5 Safety and the website
It is forbidden to violate or to try to violate the safety functionalities of the website, for example:
a. by accessing to data not destined to the user or connecting to non-authorized servers or accounts
b. by trying to probe, examine or test the vulnerability of a system of network or violating the safety or authorization measure
c. by trying to interfere with the services offered to users, host-computers or networks, for example by spreading out virus on the website, overloading the system, sending massive amounts of data, etc.
By using the website, the user accepts the here-stated agreement to abstain from using any possible device, software, instrument, agent or other system or mechanism (among which browser, spider, robot, avatar or artificial intelligence) different from the search engine and the research agents available on the website and different from the browsers commonly used (such as Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Explorer, Safari, Camino), to visit the website and research it.
4.Preservation of customers’ data
Exekon conserves clients’ data for the time-period necessary to bring to an end its commercial operations, and anyway for the whole period prescribed by current laws.
5. Responsibility
The content of Exekon’s website and the functionalities offered through such are provided “as they are”. Hence, in no case will Exekon be held responsible towards the user or towards third parties for damages of any kind stemming from the usage or the impossibility to use the website or any other website linked to it, the materials or the information contained in it. This does not hold for eventual binding norms and regulations present on the Italian territory.
6. Applicable Law
The website is managed by Exekon from its Trento branch.
Exekon holds the right to edit in any moment the website usage regulations, updating such document without notice. Making use of the website, the user accepts to be bound from the eventual modifications in force at the moment of the utilization and to have to consult periodically the here-present on-line documentation and the page containing the regulations on the website, to ensure having read the applicable version.
6. Rights of the Interested parties
The data provision if strictly functional to the instauration and/or provision of the requested information. With regards to the processing of Your personal information from the company, you have the right to exercise the rights provided in art. 7 of the Legislative Decree 196/03.
Moreover, we inform you that the person in charge of the use of personal data is Menato Giuseppe, to whom you may refer to also for exercising such rights by sending an email to:
You can exercise any time the rights provided for in the Legislative Decree 196/03 and precisely:
Art. 7, Legislative Decree 196/03: Rights of the Interested parties
1. The interested party has the right to receive confirmation of the existence or non-existance of personal data concerning himself, even if not yet registered, and their communication in a readable way;
2. The interested party has the right to obtain indicattions on:
a. the origin of such personal data;
b. the goals and methodology of use of such personal data;
c. the rationale of using electronic devices for the use of personal data, if any;
d. the details for the identification of the manager, the people in charge and the designated representative, in compliance with Art. 5, subsection 2;
e. the subjects or the categories of subjects to whom access to such personal data is granted or who may come across them as representative for the area in the State, as person in charge or officer.
3. The interested party has the right to receive:
a. the update, the amendment or, if interested, the integration of data;
b. the cancellation, the transformation to anonymous form or the blockage of data used in violation to law, including those data whose storage is not necessary regarding the goals for which the data have been collected and used;
c. the statement that the operations provided for at letters a) and b) have been made available, also concerning their content, to whom the data have been communicated, especially in case such compliance reveals to be impossible or necessitates the use of manifestly excessive means with respect to the right safeguarded.
4. The interested party has the right to oppose, totally or partly:
For legitimate reason to the use of personal data of his concern, even if pertaining the goal of the collection of data.